Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Seedy underbelly of America.

1.) Bush was willing to spend any money the US had after 9/11.
2.) Cofer Black was the man in charge of the CIA.
3.) CIA was put in charge of all anti-terrorism.
4.) Codename: "Operation Greystone."
5.) Bush was heard to have said, "I want the CIA in there first."
6.) May be a larger covert operation than any during the Cold War.
7.) Used harsh interrogation techniques, called "Stress and Duress."
8.) The US was fighting a global secret war in more than a dozen countries.
9.) Terrorist Surveillance Order gave NSA permission to intercept the communications of any US citizen without warrant.
10.) All budgets are kept secret.

1.) Why would they work in such secrecy?
2.) Why did the war need to be declared?
3.) Why wasn't the Secretary of Defense called?
4.) How can we live in a country where one man has such absolute power?
5.) Why did "victory" happen so quickly?
6.) Wasn't anyone in the government against this?
7.) How can so many lives and so much power be put into the hands of so few people?
8.) Why were Dana Priest and her partner the only two looking for the secret locations?
9.) Why aren't American people made aware of what goes on in Afghanistan?
10.) How could the idea of our country being at war become so passe?

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