Monday, January 16, 2012

Constituent letter.

Mr. Casey,
My name is Kaitlin Garvey and I'm writing to you about your vote on the National Defense Authorization Act. As you may know, the act costs $662 billion dollars to put into action, and it gives the US military the right to detain any United States citizen indefinitely, all to combat the War on Terror. I have to say, as a liberal from Pennsylvania, I'm severely disappointed. I figured the Democratic vote would go against such an extremely heavy handed act.
As a liberal citizen of Pennsylvania, I'm very outspoken against this bill. I know its already been put into action, and I'm writing to say I'm disappointed. As you hopefully know, the act made it possible for the US military to hold anyone in indefinite detention. Any US citizen. This goes directly against the Bill of Rights that Americans are supposed to cherish.
I know that many of the Congressmen who voted for the bill, as well as Obama, will try to deny the fact that this act violates American rights. But if the public was so outraged, why vote for it?
Kaitlin Garvey

1 comment:

  1. This looks really good! I enjoyed how you used a forceful attitude t words this to remind him that he's letting the average citizen down by supporting this and there by letting down his constituents. I am awful with grammar, but reading through this i didn't notice any mistakes.
