Sunday, December 11, 2011

Campaign ad analysis.

Six techniques employed in ad campaigns:
1.) Showing images of chaos, riots, and fighting was used in Nixon's campaign against Humphrey and Wallace in 1968:
It wasn't totally effective, but I think it appealed to people's fear of insecurity and violence.
Humour was employed in this ad, it wasn't really serious, the consumer could just watch it and be entertained by Reagan.
At the time, there was a fear of nuclear attack so making a commercial with an atomic bomb detonation would persuade people to vote for Johnson's side.
The fun animation and catchy little jingle makes people want to watch. The cute little animations make people feel happy and comfortable.
This ad reassures the voters that America is stronger than it had been in the past. This is successful because it reminds people that America was prosperous in the past and it shows the possibility of a bright future.
This ad wasn't super effective, it tried to compare past America with present America.

Three assertions:
1.) Political ads are not completely effective because it does not give 'proper' insight of the candidates to the viewers.
2.) Ads don't inform people, it persuades them.
3.) President ad campaigns is "paid propaganda that distorts the democratic process."

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