Monday, November 28, 2011

Death penalty question.

Aaron's question:
Who can watch the process while the inmate is being killed?
It varies from state to state in the US, but it seems that immediate family can attend, a religious leader, police officers, guards and wardens.

Emily's question:
What if someone sentenced the death penalty really didn't commit the crime? Think about the boy in the orange jacket. What if he was sentenced to the death penalty and no one had read his story to help him.
This actually seems to happen in the United States, people are put on death row and then can either be acquitted of the crime, or appeal. Sometimes there are people put to death whose cases have become a topic of debate, and there are cases in which the guilt of the person have been heavily debated.

Bridgett's question:
Have there been Supreme Court cases in the attempt to abolish the death penalty?
There have not been any cases that have opposed the death penalty altogether, but I could find a list of Supreme Court cases concerning different aspects of the death penalty:

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