Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Democracy in America.

1.) Ben Franklin: "A republic, if you can keep it."
2.) Legislation passed to nationally strengthen DUI laws.
3.) Gray Wolves were re-introduced back into Idaho.
4.) Idaho passed legislation to get rid of wolves.
5.) Drunk driving is a national crisis.
6.) Battle between trial by jury and breathalyzer supporters.
7.) 0.08 BAC standard.
8.) South Carolina is opposed to national DUI standard.
9.) Legislation in Idaho didn't go through.
10.) MADD got involved in legislation.

1.) Why was Franklin so cynical?
2.) Why is law the cornerstone?
3.) Why does Federalism have to be so complicated?
4.) Why were so many people so against the Endangered Species Act?
5.) Why are so many people in Idaho acting ridiculously?
6.) How come it was so difficult to punish drunk driving?
7.) Why would South Carolina senators refuse to adopt BAC machines?
8.) Why is welfare a state problem?
9.) How come so many people are able to have a free ride on welfare?
10.) Are people in favour of drunk driving?

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